🎁 The gift of Spontaneous 🎁
Do you love the Lantern Parade, the Wake Up the Earth Festival, and all things Spontaneous?
Then please support Spontaneous Celebrations this holiday season!
We depend on your generous donations to host all of your favorite gatherings, festivals, classes, music shows, weddings… and to renovate this magical space!
A BIG THANK YOU to all of those who have already donated.
5 Ways to Give
Click HERE to donate online
Mail us a check (45 Danforth Street, Jamaica Plain, 02130)
Text the word GIVE to (617) 409-0697
Ask your employer if they have a charitable giving program where you can set up automatic donations that may include a company match
Donate a few shares of much-appreciated stock (note: please email stock donation details to admin@spontaneouscelebrations.org)
Let us begin with a resounding THANK YOU for all YOU have contributed in this past year. We have collectively drawn on our 50 years of history, festivals, activism, vision, youth organizing, community gathering, and cultural impact work, to begin the shift needed to make Spontaneous into the Village House that we all long for.