WUTE 2025

Dear Friends and Supporters, 

Let me always begin with a resounding THANK YOU to all of our sponsors and supporters from last year. It was such a vibrant and beautiful festival. Even with the slightly chilly weather, we had an enormous turnout. We also had an incredible flood of local sponsorships and businesses who want to see our community festivals THRIVE! 

We continue to be so grateful for your support and the dedication of this community to help us grow and host seasonal events that bring us such joy and connectedness. 

Last Year’s Fesitval

  • We expanded our climate resilience project. Hosting Extinction Rebellion’s incredible experiential art installation. 

  • We recycled and composted the vast majority of our festival waste. And we hosted dozens of nonprofits with a focus on climate justice (climate, affordable housing, systemic racism and more..) 

  • We were able to bring back the 2nd parade! This took an extra amount of advocacy and help from some local politicians and city reps. It is so important for the full representation of Jamaica Plain and Roxbury neighborhoods around the festival and such a historical piece of what Wake Up the Earth is. 

  • We launched the brand new PRIDE stage hosted by local trans activist and musician Evan Greer. We also had a series of Queer events throughout the year with Break the Chains and Evan Greer, funded in part by the Mayor's Office for LGBTQ2+ Affairs. Thank you MOLA! 

  • Our amazing stage/music organizers, led by Eli Pabon of BOMBAntillana, brought an outstanding mix of cultural music and dance. This year featured  Puerto Rican singer/songwriter Taina Asili, who we were all thrilled to host! 

  • Our community artists and International Volunteers for Peace launched the Magical Forest, and many children found the land of the fae with puppeteers and stories down below the cardboard slides. 

  • We continued our collaboration with ZUMIX, a local youth organization focused on music and sound apprenticeships. Their youth worked with mentors to run our sound systems on the youth stage, dance stage and sun stage. They continued running the youth stage, now aptly named the Zumix stage! 

  • Once again, we hired ghp-powered.com to meet our sound power needs. This year, we have GHP-powered batteries run 4 of our stages! 

  • We hosted over 150 vendors, our vending coordinator created a wonderful flow. We continue to try and keep our vending fees affordable, with a local and BIPOC discount, and a curated process that seeks local artists.

  • In our personal pledge for climate justice, we completed the solar panels on our building, and we are now Fully Solar! 

We hope to count on you as a Community Festival Sponsor! 

Please see our sponsorship levels below 

The JP/Rox You Know & Love:

The Wake Up the Earth Festival and Annual JP Lantern Parade are how many of you know of Spontaneous Celebration’s community work. These festivals are part of a year-round program. They are connected to workshops, events, and classes in schools, libraries, and our community center. These events provide opportunities for people to come together to make art, volunteer, and make friends. They are a chance for our team of festival artists to reach out into the community and impact kids' lives, and work with dozens of non-profit organizations leading up to the day of the festival. 

Become a sponsor and help us increase funding, strengthening and sustaining our programming. All donations are fully tax deductible. 

Thank you so much for all your help! 

We look forward to continuing to bring community festivals to JP / Rox. Bring all of us together and make spaces for everyone to connect and create! 

Bonnie Rovics, Festival Director
Kalamu Kieta, Chairman of the Board

Contact:  Festival Director Bonnie Rovics 

Please email us if you have any significant sponsorships and ensure we have your logo and company information. We are happy to pick up checks.

EMAIL: Wutefestival@gmail.com 
PHONE: 617-522-3344

Sponsorship Levels

$200 — $400: SUPPORTER
Wake Up the Earth Festival

  • Listing in festival program & website

$500 — $900: FESTIVAL DONOR
Wake Up the Earth Festival

  • Banner at the festival 

  • Listing in festival program & website

$1000 — $1500: FESTIVAL SPONSOR
Wake Up the Earth Festival

  • Your logo displayed on the festival poster

  • Banner at Festival 

  • Listing in festival program & website

Sponsor both the Wake Up the Earth Festival and the Lantern Parade

  • You logo displayed on the festival posters

  • Premiere banner at Wake Up the Earth Festival

  • Custom lantern at Lantern Parade

  • Listing in festival program & on website/member emails year-round

$5000 — $10,000:  FESTIVAL FOOL
A $5000 donation or grant covers most community arts public workshops.
A $10,000 donation/grant would cover hosting over 60 non-profit organizations annually at the festival. 

  • Includes all of the Friend of Festivals Benefits 

  • A large festival banner at the MBTA