BalletRox empowers Boston youth through dance, providing a supportive community for life-long success. BalletRox gives more kids a chance to dance.
JP Dance Coop
JP Dance Co-op hosts community-based dance classes for pre-school and Kindergarten age children.
JP Honk
The mission of JP Honk is to be an open community group focused on the enjoyment of making music (mostly of the exuberant street-band style) for ourselves, for local community organizations, and for activist causes we believe in.
JP Improv
You can do improv. You—yes, you—can stand out in front of a crowd, and have the time of your life. You can make up characters, scenes, and whole stories, right on the spot. You can make people laugh.
Kilombo Novo
The Capoeira Angola program provides discipline, tools for urban youth, and community to function as a healthy society physically, mentally, and spiritually through the philosophy, practice, and history of Capoeira Angola's indigenous knowledge and wisdom.
Together in the Arts!
At KTA, we are professional artists, educators, and performers collaborating to bring the arts to the children in our communities. We believe that the arts are both very important and deeply neglected in the traditional educational avenues.
We are a collective of artists who came together through our shared passion for Latin dance & music, as well as our belief in the power of the arts as a tool for positive transformation, cultural exchange, and personal empowerment.
Next Level Fusion
Next Level Fusion is Tina Cavicchio’s dance company, a company that does MANY different styles of dance. Tina offers choreography based classes where you will learn a combo inspired by hip hop, jazz funk and commercial dance.
Pumawari Tusuy
Pumawari Tusuy is a Cultural Association whose purpose is to promote Peruvian culture through dances, enhancing the traditions and customs of our country with a distinctive style and original character, recognized by different nationalities.
Sing Positive
SingPositive is a family-friendly choral and instrumental performing group that fosters community partnerships, good neighbor relations, and shared family experiences in and through community music making and education in Jamaica Plain.
Sit Pretty
Sit Pretty Dog Training teaches your dog how to communicate with you in an appropriate way, while keeping your relationship with your dog positive and fun.
Toddler Drumming
Drum Circle for kids 1-5yrs but all ages welcome! Sing along to classic rhymes while kickin out the jams. Suggested Donation $5-10. Sundays 11AM-12PM.